Jasper's API Postman Collection

Streamline your development with Jasper's Postman Collection.

We maintain a Jasper API Postman Collection to make it easier to get started building and testing your Jasper API integration.


In order to leverage Jasper's API Postman Collection, you will need the following:

  1. Jasper API key: Visit the Authentication page for information on how to generate a token within the Jasper app.
  2. Postman Client: Download Postman or sign in via your browser.

Using the Jasper API Postman Collection

To get started with our Postman collection:

  1. Export the latest version of the Jasper Public API Postman collection
  2. Import the collection into your Postman workspace
  3. Replace the {{JASPER_API_KEY}}} variable, under the Authorization tab, with your Jasper API Key.
  4. Start sending authenticated requests to Jasper!